Theorizing the Black Charismatic: Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, and the Politics of Affect
By Garry Bertholf, Wesleyan University, 11/28/22
Center for the Humanities
By Garry Bertholf, Wesleyan University, 11/28/22
By Elise Springer, Wesleyan University, 11/14/22
By Jess Keiser, Tufts University, 11/7/22
Roberto Saba, Wesleyan University, 10/31/22 **Please note, due to a technical error, only audio from this evening’s lecture is available.
by Martin Baeumel, Wesleyan University, 10/17/22
Courtney Weiss Smith, Wesleyan University, 10/10/22
by Tim Ingold • University of Aberdeen, 10/3/22
by Natasha Schüll • New York University, 9/26/22
by Elizabeth DeLoughrey • University of California, Los Angeles, 5/02/22
by Katherine Zien, 4/25/22